The 27 club as it is commonly known is actually not the 27 club but the 27± 6,3 club. Although it is possible for someone to be killed outside the range like Robin Williams, Wayne Static, David Bowie were or many others such as Grant Imahara. They (but not all) were killed for who they are, what they learned or were starting to learn. Just like Kurt, Wayne or Jimi I too know. I cannot say who or what killed them. Though I will say that there are 20 reasons why, the first being For Blood & Empire just like the Bright Lights of Sodom and Gomorrah it's a strategy. I know for I see this world a way no one can since the age of nine. Their deaths are not random or unlucky but with a purpose which is why so many are under mysterious circumstances. Anton Yelchin, Pat Tillman, Tyler Scaggs, Pete Ham, Jeremy Ward, Amy Winehouse, The Rev; to name a few. There are many more to come, though age does not matter. “He also did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not heed the words that were spoken by Jeremiah the prophet from the mouth of the Lord” - 1 Esdras